Why A Growing Mob Of Doctors Recommend Veganism To Lose Weight

Why A Growing Mob Of Doctors Recommend Veganism To Lose Weight A rapidly growing mob of doctors recommend a vegan diet to their patients to lose weight. A vegan diet, that is: A diet that is completely devoid of any animal products... ... seems to go hand in hand with weight loss [...]

By |2023-04-05T16:07:41+00:00April 5th, 2023|Nutrition|Comments Off on Why A Growing Mob Of Doctors Recommend Veganism To Lose Weight

Joe Rogan’s Carnivore Disaster – Carnivore Diet [2023 Update]

Joe Rogan's Carnivore Disaster - Carnivore Diet [2023 Update] “Organs are primary. Eating liver and eating heart is very good for you.” 0:50 – 0:55 Joe Rogan wildly famous UFC commentator, podcast host and comedian - did it again: He went full carnivore at the beginning of this [...]

By |2023-03-22T20:42:07+00:00March 22nd, 2023|Nutrition|Comments Off on Joe Rogan’s Carnivore Disaster – Carnivore Diet [2023 Update]

Controversial Jordan Peterson Vegan Tweets [2023 Update]

Controversial Jordan Peterson Vegan Tweets [2023 Update] - What Diet Is Dr. Jordan Peterson On? Jordan Peterson, arguably the world's most famous psychologist -  is known for having strong, controversial opinions. And that includes, the health side: Since years Jordan Peterson is on a crusade to deliver more meat onto your plate. [...]

By |2023-03-08T17:03:09+00:00March 8th, 2023|Nutrition|Comments Off on Controversial Jordan Peterson Vegan Tweets [2023 Update]

The John McDougall Diet Vs Keto Diet – What Is Better For Weight Loss?

The John McDougall Diet Vs. Keto Diet - What Is Better For Weight Loss? John McDougall, bestselling author and medical doctor, has recently made a video bashing yet again the keto diet. [1] Which got me wondering: What is scientifically proven better for weight loss? The John McDougall diet - or the [...]

By |2023-03-01T17:34:03+00:00March 1st, 2023|Nutrition|Comments Off on The John McDougall Diet Vs Keto Diet – What Is Better For Weight Loss?

Scientifically Proven! The 7 Best Vegan Iron Sources

Scientifically Proven! The 7 Best Vegan Iron Sources Worldwide, more people suffer from iron deficiency than any other deficiency. In developing countries, up to 40% of the female population are severely iron deficient. In western countries, the population that is at highest risk for iron deficiency are fellow vegans. In a 2021 study, [...]

By |2023-02-25T06:48:41+00:00February 25th, 2023|Nutrition|Comments Off on Scientifically Proven! The 7 Best Vegan Iron Sources

Why Conor McGregor Is On Steroids [UFC] – Steroids Face Change

Why Conor McGregor Is On Steroids [UFC] - Steroids Face Change If you’re an UFC fan like me, you’ll notice that the notorious Conor McGregor looks different in his newest pictures. This might just mean that he’s very, very, very likely on steroids. Here’s why: In this article you’ll discover: A simple [...]

By |2023-02-22T16:59:04+00:00February 22nd, 2023|Nutrition|Comments Off on Why Conor McGregor Is On Steroids [UFC] – Steroids Face Change

The “Count Your Macros” Lie – Vegan Macros For Weight Loss

The “Count Your Macros” Lie – Vegan Macros For Weight Loss If you want to lose as much fat as possible and do so sustainably - by counting your macros... ... then hold on a second. Often, counting your macros is precisely what NOT to do when you're looking to lose weight with the [...]

By |2023-02-19T17:03:09+00:00February 19th, 2023|Nutrition|Comments Off on The “Count Your Macros” Lie – Vegan Macros For Weight Loss

The Dark Secret Of Ex Vegans [Psychology Explained]

The Dark Secret Of Ex Vegans - Psychology Of Power Some ex vegans have a big dark secret - that most of them will likely take to their graves. It's a gnarly, hideous secret - that hides in their mental basement afraid of ever being dragged to the sunlight. In this video, [...]

By |2023-02-25T09:09:57+00:00February 18th, 2023|Nutrition|Comments Off on The Dark Secret Of Ex Vegans [Psychology Explained]

The Cosmic Skeptic Vegan Disaster – CosmicSkeptic Ex Vegan Story

The Cosmic Skeptic Vegan Disaster - CosmicSkeptic Ex Vegan Story So cosmic skeptic, one of the most vocal advocates of a vegan diet, stopped being vegan. So normally my reaction to when a celebrity is not vegan anymore is the following: *zirp zirp* But this one here, this CosmicSkeptic one, is actually [...]

By |2023-02-16T07:18:14+00:00February 16th, 2023|Nutrition|Comments Off on The Cosmic Skeptic Vegan Disaster – CosmicSkeptic Ex Vegan Story