How To Deal With Criticism As A Vegan
Vegans face a LOT of criticism for their daily choices.
Be it from friends, family or people on the internet.
The best method to deal with hate of any kind is..
.. the Inner Scorecard Method.
I’ve first heard of this method from investor Warren Buffett, who spoke in awe about his father Howard.
Howard Buffett was a man of integrity and honesty.
Yet in his time, as an active politician, he was hated and vilified locally. He got booed out of stadiums regularly..
.. yet all of this didn’t face Howard at all.
Deep down Howard knew, that he was acting for the right reasons.
The behaviour and beliefs of Howard taught his son Warren an important lesson:
The Lesson of the Inner Scorecard.
See, most people have an outer scorecard. We define our sense of self esteem and self worth of what other people think about us.
Having an inner scorecard is vastly different though.
It means being at peace with yourself and with your actions. And being largely unaffected by your environment’s opinion about you.
There’s a simple test to determine whether you have an inner or outer scorecard:
- Would you rather be an awful person and everyone thinks you’re a nice person?
- Or would you rather be a nice person and everyone thinks you’re awful?
- Would you rather be wrong and everyone thinks you’re right?
- Or right and everyone thinks you’re wrong?
I personally prefer the 2nd option.
And that is the best way to deal with criticism as a vegan.
It is to have an inner scorecard. It is to know that your self worth is not determined by exterior opinions..
..but by the morality of your actions. Including the ones that are hidden from public sight.
Or as Benjamin Graham put it:
“You’re not right or wrong because 1,000 people agree or disagree with you. You’re right if your facts and reasoning are right.”
So if you’re vegan and you believe wholeheartedly in that lifestyle. If you’ve analyzed the facts and reasonings and deem them as right..
.. then how should criticism ever affect you?
Don’t get me wrong.
None of us is invulnerable to criticism. And criticism has its fair place.
But there’s a degree to how much you should let criticism affect you, IF you know you act with integrity and morality.