NEW How Not To Diet Book Review – Michael Greger MD

The official release date of the How Not To Diet book by Dr. Greger is the 10th of December 2019.

Yet today, in mid of November, 1 month before the launch, you’ll get a comprehensive and exclusive review of the book by QG.

See I got my hands on the final draft of Dr. Greger’s How Not To Diet book. I’m not sure if this version will be launched, so there might be small differences as there are still some wordings such as TK in this book. Which means to come in the future.

I’m not sure how much I can show you, but what I can tell you thus far, is that this book is going to be a gamechanger.

And don’t worry, all of this is fully legal, as QualityGains is a benefactor.

I got the book yesterday morning and I thought: This is awesome. I dropped everything and aimed to read this book in a day. Well, it’s more comprehensive than I thought. The 581 pages do not include the reference and the footnotes. This book contains nearly 600 pages of pure value content.

This is the biggest and most comprehensive book on dieting that you’ve ever seen and that you will ever see in your life probably.

You can order the book ‘How Not To Diet’ by Michael Greger MD here:

24 hours later of constant reading, 12 pages of notes, and only 30 minutes of sleep, I must say that this book is a freaking masterpiece.

There’s so much attention to detail and nearly 5,000 references in this book, there are so many references that Dr. Greger needed to hire 5 fact checkers, that it almost goes beyond comprehension.

Today you’ll learn the most important insights about the How Not To Diet book before everyone else, and why you have reasons to be excited. I’ll also share all of my notes in the second part of this review.

Review Part I – There are 5 parts to this new Michael Greger book

  1. The first part is where Michael Greger outlines the obesity problem. The causes, the consequences and the possible solutions.
  2. The second part is where he explores all the ingredients for an effective weight loss journey.
  3. The third part is where he lays out the optimal weight loss diet, which is the shortest section of the book.
  4. The fourth part is where he gives you all the tweaks that could potentially increase your weight loss success, this part is literally 250 pages long.
  5. And the fifth part, where he summarizes the fourth part in a very actionable 21 step checklist that you can add on top of your daily dozen.

I love how the book comes full circle. Dr. G first explains why overweight and obesity is truly a crucial issue, and why the question is not: Why are so many people overweight? But Why are not all people overweight in our society?

Because obesity can actually be seen as a natural reaction to an existence in an unnatural world. The problem is our biology and the system. Our system is set up to maximize profits, not maximize individual life quality.

After he defines the problem he starts with the solution. He presents 17 key ingredients for effective weight loss. These include: Anti-inflammatory, clean, high in fiber, low in fat, low in sugar and low in meat.

And then after those recipes get explained, he explains how to implement them in the most effective and sustainable way. From how to train to which kind of water should you drink to the optimum sleep routine and meal timing. No stone is left unturned.

This How Not To Diet book was written with the intention to have 0 compromises. Honestly, most of those 5 parts could’ve been books alone. This is so comprehensive.

Reading this book, feels like you enter the matrix at some stages. There are so many new and interesting information, that It’s literally a page turner. Especially the first two parts for me I just devoured without stopping.

For example did you know that treating obesity might be more efficient than curing cancer when it comes to extending the lifespan of future generations and that the food industry spends more money in marketing than any other industry? It specifically targets kids and teens.

Now what you might LOVE or hate about this book, is that very few paragraphs, are opinions of Dr.Greger. You do not find testimonials and you do not find random anecdotes in this book. This is 583 pages of pure science.

Yet I still love, how it feels quite personal. dr. Greger’s humor comes out in multiple sections of this book. For example he describes the loss of weight around the penis area as free willy. He uses headlines such as full of crap, crap stands for calorie rich and processed foods. Or liposuction sucks. Or just beet it.

The whole book is made with such attention to detail. That this can be a life’s worth in itself. I mean there are infographics on how many stomachfuls you can have in 2,000 caloric daily intakes. The water content of foods, the calorie content of food based on a consistent daily intake of weight.

Needless to say, this book is absolutely great and If you liked How Not To Die, you’ll love How Not To Diet. I can highly recommend it, it’s kept me awake for the last 24 hours, although Dr. Greger writes in the book that sleep deprivation is not a good thing.

I have 0 freaking regrets.

You can order the book ‘How Not To Diet’ by Michael Greger MD here:

Review Part II – All Notes of The New Michael Greger Book

Part 1/5 of the book – The Problem

  • Obesity increased in the US (and most high-income countries) in the late 1970s. Lack of physical activity is not the cause of weight gain: In fact, if anything, the level of physical activity over the last few de cades has gone up slightly in both Europe and North America, rather than declined.
  • Genes may load the gun, but diet pulls the trigger.
  • We have an inborn drive to maximize calories (opportunity costs). Animals don’t tend to get too fat eating the food they were destined to eat.
  • Becoming overweight is a natural response to living in an unnatural environment.
  • Whole foods have very low profit margins and sometimes are even sold at a loss. They’re also not capable of being branded (people might buy competitors products), they go bad fast and it costs money to grow.
  • Food giants cannot necessarily do the right thing if they wanted; they need to satisfy their investors.
  • Companies learn how to best influence their children to manipulate their parents.
  • Quote 1967 – from an ad executive for Kellogg’s and Oscar Mayer: “When you sell a kid on your product, if he can’t get it, he will throw himself in the floor, stamp his feet and cry.”
  • Supermarkets are optimized for profits: Closed- circuit cameras and GPS- like devices on shopping carts are used to strategize how best to guide shoppers toward the most profitable products.
  • Food industry spends about $20 billion or so on advertising each year.
  • Nearly one in two hundred knee replacement patients dies within ninety days of surgery.
  • Obese people have a smaller brain volume and might think less clearly (due to inflammation and oxidative stress).
  • Obesity will reduce our life expectancy by 2 to 5 years. To put that into perspective, a miracle cure for all forms of cancer would only add three and a half years to the average American life span.
  • Best BMI: between 20-22
  • Overweight and obese discrimination happens on a daily basis (women: 3 times a day, men: 1 time a day), even nurses and doctors seem to dislike obese patients.
  • Obesity appears to be the only handicap where nearly every one wants to switch disabilities no matter what the cost. Former obese-persons would rather lose a limb than be obese again.
  • Yo- Yo dieting is better than no diets at all.
  • Bodybuilders die at the age of 48 on average.
  • Waist- to- height ratio may offer the best of both worlds, and the cutoff value is the simplest to remember: Keep your waist less than half your height.
  • Many are surprised to learn that new surgical procedures don’t require premarket testing or approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and therefore might even be unsafer than older practices.
  • Nearly one in fifty bariatric (stomach change to facilitate weight loss) surgery patients ends up being hospitalized for self- harm or attempted suicide.
  • Taking weight- loss meds is so uncomfortable that 98 percent of people stopped taking them within the first year.
  • One of the ways supplement makers can skirt the law is by labeling them “not intended for human consumption,” for example, labeling the fatal fatburner DNP as an industrial or research chemical. That’s how designer street drugs can be sold openly at gas stations and convenience stores as “bath salts”.
  • The meat industry works with doubt. It’s like that infamous tobacco industry memo that read: “Doubt is our product since it’s the best means of competing with the body of fact that exists in the mind of the general public.”
  • The food industry spends more money on advertising than any other industry, with more than $10 billion in ads targeting American children and teens every year.
  • The idea is just to try to make the default options a little healthier. It’s easier to add salt to food on your plate than it is to remove it.

You can order the book ‘How Not To Diet’ by Michael Greger MD here:

Part 2/5 – Ingredients for the Ideal Weight Loss Diet

  • 1 in 3 Americans are actively looking to lose weight any given moment.
  • One of the most impor tant medical discoveries in recent years was the realization that inflammation appears to play a role in many of our chronic diseases, including at least eight of our top ten leading causes of death. Localized inflammation is good (wound healing), chronic/ meta-inflammation is bad.
  • We used to think fatty tissue was just a passive depot for the storage of excess fat, but we now know it actively secretes inflammatory chemicals.
  • Inflammation in our brains could lead to obesity.
  • Hypothalamus is the master regulator of our metabolism.
  • Obese individuals produce more than enough leptins yet the hypothalamus is not reacting to that hormone
  • By choosing to eat more anti- inflammatory foods and fewer proinflammatory foods, we may be able to both prevent and treat the damage to the appetite- regulating apparatus in our brains that can lead to— and sustain— obesity.
  • The most anti-inflammatory foods are: Turmeric, ginger, garlic, green/ black tea, chamomile tea (flavones). The most anti-inflammatory food components are: Fiber and flavones.
  • An analysis of chicken feathers found that the poultry industry appears to feed the birds every thing from arsenic to Prozac. (Poultry producers say feeding caffeine “keeps the chickens awake so that they eat more and grow faster.”)
  • Today 20 different obesogenic chemicals have been found (chemicals that promote obesity). Most well studied of those chemicals are called ‘organotins’.
  • There’s an increase in obesity around animals in the canaries, cross-species. Twenty thousand animals all were fatter than before. We’re all getting fatter..
  • BPA (plastic) exposure tends to correlate with increased weight.
  • To avoid BPA: Avoid canned and processed foods (90% of BPA sources is in our diet)
  • Highest level of BPA are in green beans and canned tuna.
  • BPA and phthalate (another obesogenic chemical) are detectable in 95% of the US population.
  • Our fat stores— like those of farm animals— harbor toxic pollutants.
  • Organic fruits and vegetables may minimize the exposure to those chemicals. Agricultural workers spraying lots of atrazine had about 50 percent greater odds of being overweight and obese.
  • Telling people to eat fiber rich foods is one of the best advices for weight loss. Fiber might be that one substance that is the most important in caloric intake.
  • Fiber doesn’t get digested by our body. It stays in our colon to bulk up our stool.
  • But, fiber gets digested by bacteria. And we’re more bacteria than human. Our gut flora, which weigh more than one of our kidneys and are more metabolically active than our livers have been called our “forgotten organ.”
  • Bacteria turn fiber into short chain fatty acids, which then gets absorbed into our bloodstream.
  • Fiber rich foods per definition require more chewing.
  • Fiber reduces caloric intake by the four Ds:
  1. Dilution of calories by expanding the volume of food
  2. Distention of the stomach through fluid absorption
  3. Delay in stomach emptying of the gelled mass
  4. Dumping of calories by blocking the absorption of other macronutrients.
  • Ileal brake: When ou body detects undigested food at the end of the small intestine (that part is called ileum) it curbs down our appetite and slows down food intake.
  • Our intestines are muscular tubes, so they get a workout in when we eat fiber, which might burn more calories.
  • Ecological studies are snapshots, while cohort studies follow people over time.
  • More than 97 percent of Americans get enough protein, but more than 97 percent of Americans don’t get enough fiber. The real problem is not protein deficiency, but fiber deficiency.
  • There is zero fiber in meat, dairy, or eggs and typically little or no fiber in junk food. Fiber superstars: whole grains and legumes, canned beans, split peas, chickpeas, and lentils
  • People tend to eat a fairly consistent weight of food on a day- to- day basis, and serving weight is largely determined by water content.
  • Lowest water content (0-9%): Nuts, seeds and processed food
  • Highest water content (80-100%): green leafy vegetables.
  • Tap water can make you feel more full, but it isn’t as effective in decreasing caloric intake as water in food.
  • Our brains are just not designed to cope with omnipresent access to drugs, video games, pornography, and snack foods.
  • Similarly to coca leaves and cocaine, the sugar cane stem has been chewed for its pleasant taste for ages, but it only presents a disproportionate reward signal once highly refined into added sugars.
  • Average americans eat out 3 times a week. On those days they eat an extra 200 calories.
  • The average life span of a taste bud cell may only be about 250 hours. We can change our tastebuds every 10 days.
  • People that lose the most amount of weight: Most reported being physically active and weighing themselves at least a few times a week.
  • Percentage of fat in the average American diet: 34%.
  • So while we may not be able to use our prehistoric diets to ar